Description of problem:
The sprayed paint dust particles land on the painted surface in the form of a powder.
Spray gun is too far from the painted surface.
Spray pass is too quick.
Unsuitable thinner.
Very high air pressure.
Incorrect application viscosity.
Wrong spray gun setting. Small nozzle with a large air cap.
Ambient air flow is disruptive.
Spray booth temperature is too high.
Preventive measures:
Use proper application technique.
Use appropriate thinner.
Use correct air pressure.
Use correct application viscosity according to the manufacturer’s specification.
Use slower thinner or add a retarder if it is too hot.
Use correct spray gun setup.
Avoid turbulence.
Remove with thinner or wait until dry and sand topcoats sand with P1200 and polish.
In the case of metallic monocoat finishes (600 series) you should sand and respray.